Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stuffing Envelopes from Home - Good Idea?

People would love to stuff envelopes from home and make good money. Are any of these opportunities real? Not in the way you think. You can't actually stuff information into an envelope, put a stamp on it and get paid lots of money. Some scam, huh?

What do these companies really do? They send you a packet of information on what you need to do. You are sending out envelopes, but it's not what you think. You are sending information on the program you joined to other people, trying to get them to join too. If they do, you make some money. Not my idea of stuffing envelopes from home!

If you truly want to work from home, there are many legitimate opportunities. Data entry, freelance writing and online surveys are a few of the genuine ways to make money at home. Affiliate marketing and blogging are also some popular methods used by thousands of people.

Avoid those envelope stuffing scams!

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